Keith Symondson (CEO) has written this month's Editorial (excerpt below):
News of COVID-19 dominates the headlines as well as most conversations and is likely to do so for many months. It is a difficult time for all of us and I hope you and your families are staying safe.
Given the rapidly changing situation, Farmanco has had to evolve how we work, think and how we continue to offer support and advice to all our clients. As you are probably aware, we closed all of our offices in March, and all our consultants are working from home.
Article key points for Farmanco Facts, April 2020 are:
Satellite Imagery: The Why, How and What can we use this for?
by Blake O’Meagher (Agronomist & P.A. Specialist)
Satellites for Precision Ag and Non-Precision Ag applications
Using this information to build valuable paddock insights and information
What are some of the service providers available and how do we best use these applications?
Automatic alerts and Normalised Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) imaging uses
Farmanco Facts: Client Survey Results
by Keith Symondson (CEO)
Design of Newsletter
Content of Newsletter
What are topics readers most interested in?
Additional feedback
Ag Equipment Movement
by Stacey Bell (Farm Management Consultant)
All States have had changes regarding agricultural piloting
Western Australia now has Public Holiday curfew periods
National Guidelines now cover all states, except Western Australia
Keeping it in perspective – thoughts on investing
by David McCarthy (Bedbrook McCarthy Private Wealth Management)
Corona virus (COVID-19) and the impacts on Agriculture
by Ryan Duane (Grain Marketer)
Corona virus COVID-19 is already having a major impact on health and economies
Agricultural markets are not immune, with lower demand not helpful for grain and oilseed prices
Barley prices are especially exposedCOVID-19 is also impacting on the Australian Dollar
The disease outbreak is an example of a Black Swan event
Each Farmanco Facts edition includes:
The WA & NSW / VIC Wool & Livestock Market Reports.
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