Mark Lawrence (Farmanco Agronomist, based at Kojonup, WA) introduces the April edition of Farmanco Facts, with the following:
We welcome Glenn Briggs who joins us as the newly appointed Business Manager for AGLYTICA.
Brent Pritchard looks at the first report of glyphosate resistant capeweed found in the lower Great Southern of Western Australia. A sample was found to survive over 7L/ha of glyphosate (540gai) that was thought to have come off a firebreak. This weed could be a very big concern with limited harvest weed control options for this plant.
Eric Nankivell reviews Farm Equity and looks at debt position and how it relates to the actual cost of doing business with low interest rates and the increase in land values. With years of experience Eric offers some good, sound advice when looking to expand, by doing your numbers well, and think through the potential risks to the business.
Ryan Duane looks at the noodle wheat market. Last year's noodle crop was large and according to Ryan was the reason for the discount in the noodle price relative to APW1.
The 2021 Pestbook â„¢ has been released in both the printable version and in searchable PDF on the Farmanco App.
The Farmanco 2021 Photo Competition is now open until 17/5/21.
Key Points below:
Capeweed Glyphosate Resistance
(By Brent Pritchard, Agronomist)
First capeweed resistance to glyphosate has been detected
Capeweed survived over 7L/ha Glyphosate 540
Capeweed resistance developed from firebreak spraying
Cross resistance to Eclipse & Diflufenican
Time to talk about Equity
(By Eric Nankivell, Management Consultant)
Farm businesses have been improving their Equity (%)
Interest costs per dollar of debt have fallen
As interest rates fall, more debt can be covered for the same interest cost
More debt per hectare will extend the payback period
Beware of the repayment schedule on high debt levels because interest rates can rise
Approach purchases keenly, cautiously and with due diligence
Noodle Wheat Blend & Pricing Trends
(By Ryan Duane, Grain Marketing Consultant)
Industry announces noodle blend remains unchanged
80% ANW1 & 2 and 20% APWN
Calingiri will not be classified as a noodle variety from September 2022
1.2mmt delivered in 2020, comfortably meeting demand
Noodle spread has varied significantly over the last five years
This article deals with Noodle wheat in Western Australia
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