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Farmanco Facts – March 2020

The March edition sees Blake O’Meagher, Agronomist and Precision Ag Specialist, as Editor. An excerpt is below:

As a consultant, we are still relatively analytical in every situation we encounter, weighing up and analysing every situation with the information we are provided, but inevitably the ‘gut feel’ still plays an important role in each of these situations.
Our collective experiences across broad interactions with growers and industry professionals provides us with a lot of ‘background’ experiences that will inevitably help contribute to our decision-making process, provided by both our analytical thinking and our gut feeling.

Key points for March 2020 Farmanco Facts include:

Pre-Emergent for Wheat

  • Luximax® – new Mode of Action (MOA) – Group Z for wheat ONLY

  • Compares favourably to Sakura® with different MOA

  • Great for resistance management

  • Crop safety measures a must, so follow label directions

  • Labelled for knife point press wheel seeding systems only – no disc machines

Machine Learning (ML) in Ag: Getting ready to change our world

by Keith Symondson

  • New technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are set to revolutionise the way we work, and agriculture is at the forefront of a lot of this technology

  • At the moment the technology is in its infancy, but there’s some interesting products that point the direction that this could take us

  • Even if a piece of tech isn’t delivering on its current promise, it will and when technologies combine its likely that they will produce changes that will be far greater than we can currently predict

Malt Barley Variety Update for 2020

by Mae Connelly

  • Malt variety rationalisation is an ongoing process

  • Spartacus and Planet were the dominant malt varieties grown in WA in 2019/20Latrobe and Bass are the varieties preferred by markets in 2020/21Baudin now phased out…. Or is it?

  • Latrobe and Spartacus are the segregations recommended by GIWA in most locations

Each Farmanco Facts edition includes:

WA and NSW / VIC Wool & Livestock Market Reports.

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