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Farmanco Facts - October 2020

Mark Lawrence (Agronomist) based in Kojonup penned the October Editorial. As well as introducing articles for this month, Mark recommended the use of the St John First Responder App.

Mark recently experienced a scenario while mountain bike riding where he needed to contact emergency services, but it was difficult to give accurate road references due to his location. He learned that if you call through the St John First Responder App, it references the exact location of the incident to emergency services, making it much easier for assistance to come to you. Very handy for many of our clients, living in remote areas.

Key points of articles for Farmanco Facts October are:

Industrial Manslaughter

by Ben Curtis, Management Consultant

  • Industrial manslaughter laws are likely to be Implemented

  • Large fines and even jail terms may result if the business owner is found to be negligent

  • There are key strategies that can be implemented to protect your business from industrial manslaughter

  • Do not avoid dealing with the imminent threat of industrial manslaughter legislation

Myjohndeere & Data Setup for a smooth harvest

by Ben Stewart, Precision Ag Specialist

  • Now is the time for getting machinery GPS data setup for harvest completed

  • Web based data platforms like Myjohndeere are making data management easier

  • Remote support is available for helping you tidy up your data

Producing wheat with 14% protein; our GRDC funded project

by Ben Curtis, Management Consultant

  • Protein monitors can potentially deliver large benefits to growers

  • Our markets are saying they want higher protein wheat but in 2019 they were not paying for it

  • Farmanco is conducting a GRDC project looking at the challenges of producing high protein wheat

Dry seasons narrow east coast / west coast divide

by Adrian Clancy, Grain Marketing Consultant, Albury

  • Dry seasons in the east have provided new opportunities for WA growers

  • Population on the east coast provides base load demand for a range of commodities

  • Irrigation helps to provide a production diversity on the east coast

Every Farmanco Facts edition includes:

WA Wool & Livestock Market Report and NSW / VIC Wool & Livestock Market Report.

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