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Targeted Solutions. Smarter Yields

Farmanco offers a range of precision agricultural services that include advice, setup and support in paddock planning and operation of guidance systems, as well as zone management.


Our customers deserve the highest level of support, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards. When you choose to work with our team, know that you are consistently choosing quality and excellence. Customer service is at the heart of everything that we do.

Contact: Blake O'Meagher for more information.

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> Boundary Mapping > AB Lines > CTF Setup and Guidance > Run Line Optimisation GPS boundary functionality on ag guidance equipment has been around for over 15 years. In years past, the benefits that boundaries provided the industry were limited and came with side effects. ​ GPS boundaries now provide the basis for implementing a wider range of functionality, when they are recorded and handled correctly. Functionality includes: ​ Repeatable headland passes in the right spot, which helps keep workings neat and tidy regardless of operator experience or visibility. Headland control for seeders, which is helpful in reducing double application on headlands. Auto headland turns (from one AB pass to the next) which helps reduce coverage gaps when seeding and spraying. Recording a set of GPS boundaries is useful as a “first step” in the adoption of a range of modern PA practices, as boundaries help with efficient data management and make it easy to generate a set of optimal guidance lines. ​ About two-thirds of the projects we’ve done have involved conducting both the in-field mapping component and then the computer processing / display setup component. Remaining projects involved helping growers set up to conduct their own in-field mapping and then getting the data to us to process.


> Yield Maps > Harvesting Records > Crop Averages Analysis > Multi Year Analysis Yield Mapping and Reports offer clients and agronomists the ability to further analyse paddock productivity, profitability and efficiencies. Using the spatial data generated from yield maps, we can build reports that factor in agronomic and management decisions to more accurately dissect paddock profitability drivers and production potentials. With this data we can refine the paddock averages and create localised data to specific zones and/or increments. This enables us to further distinguish areas of interest, while also gaining insight into paddock productivity aspects such as applied inputs, nutrient use efficiencies, water use efficiency and other agronomic and management aspects. ​


> Setup Display Data > Data Integration System Data > Transfers > File Maintenance & Backup Setting up GPS displays correctly is always an important step to get right. Operators need easy access to the correct field names and corresponding boundaries and guidance lines. We are industry leaders in understanding the data and methods required to set up and manage GPS Screens including John Deere, Case New Holland and others. We work with AFS/PLM, Apex, myjohndeere and SMS software to name a few. We can provide all levels of support, whether you have your own copies of the software or not. We use the software tools Teamviewer and Dropbox among others to help provide timely and convenient support. We also help you download those tools. Popular service items include: ​ Creating and managing a set of AB lines, whether CTF or not Protocols for loading setup data to displays, extracting documentation data from displays and cleaning display data Moving setup data from one display system to another ie Case to Trimble, while retaining maximum functionality Getting VR prescriptions from computer to display ready for use Help setting up Land Manager on myjohndeere and other MJD tools Stitching in sections of updated boundaries to replace redundant sections of original boundaries – save remapping the whole paddock Deep Ripping Plans for CTF when tynes are lifted to preserve wheeltracks Managing flag layers for rockpicking programs Backing up, storing and keeping notes on your setup data We also have access to a software tool that has been developed purely to create Greenstar 3 headland guidance lines for any implement width. There are currently over 50,000ha of land in WA using these guidance lines.


> Nutrient Analysis > VR Input Optimisation > Trial Analysis  Our Precision Agronomy & Analytics means we consistently apply an agronomic approach to our prescription mapping and data analysis to ensure we are providing the most efficient input decisions in each business. In each of our approaches to building resources for growers, we help provide data and analytics that can be uniformly used in all aspects of the business. An important aspect of Precision Ag is to ensure we are measuring our inputs and responses and effectively managing our resources in the most efficient and economical way.


> Technology Solutions Advice > Weather Stations > Research & Field Trials The changing landscape of digital technology solutions and services available to growers is becoming more prominent and opportunistic adoption and implementation on-farm. From drone imaging and analytics to digital paddock recording and automations, the options and opportunities for growers is becoming more apparent. At Farmanco, we identify, confer and analyse these potential services and technologies to assist growers with making the most efficient decisions, when looking to adopt a particular technology or service in their business. Farmanco’s key focus continues to be independent, providing growers with un-biased advice and recommendations. We assess multiple service providers, platforms and hardware in the Ag Tech space to ensure we provide the recommendation to suit each particular client’s needs and objectives. Key partnerships allow Farmanco to stay informed and up to date on the latest service offerings by 3rd party providers and ensure we can integrate seamlessly with our client’s data to help support and grow their business through the services we provide ​


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