May sees Ben Curtis, Management Consultant out of Esperance introducing Farmanco Facts (excerpt below):
Many farmers are feeling uncertain about the times ahead and what it means for them.
Farmers usually take in their stride some very large economic decisions as they progress their businesses and move forward, but this is usually done with a backdrop of environmental uncertainties we are familiar with.
COVID-19 has added a variable we are still trying to understand.
Articles for May include the following:
Hybrid canola update & profit comparison
by Mark Lawrence (Agronomist, Kojonup)
TT canola hybrids are currently out yielding glyphosate tolerant canola in NVT’s
A delay in release of TruFlex® and Optimum® GLY made canola breeding direction hard
Know your cost and break even yield of canola
Review nutrition package when growing canola hybrids
Wheat prices in a crisis
by Greg Easton (Management Consultant, Mundaring)
During a world crisis the price of wheat is often volatile
A world crisis does not necessarily equate to a period of high (or low) wheat prices
A crisis doesn't always correlate to rising or falling wheat prices
Wheat prices are driven by many and varied factors
Drawing strong conclusions and correlations between a crisis and wheat prices is difficult
Review, but continue with your sales and marketing strategy
Staying the course can pay off, abandoning the course can be costly
Severe market downturns feel anything but fair
In many ways the biggest risk facing investors now is the impulse to take action and make hasty, short-term decisions based on emotional factors; rather than accepting where we are today and riding things out
The loss of market value that seemingly evaporates overnight is deeply unsettling and challenging, even for committed, well-diversified long-term investors
Fungicide resistance update
by Blake O’Meagher (Agronomist & P.A. Specialist)
In 2019, the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) launched the Barley Disease Cohort Project. An initiative to work in collaboration with growers to investigate and monitor the development of Barley Fungal Disease Resistance.
Each Farmanco Facts edition includes:
WA & NSW / VIC Wool & Livestock Market Reports.
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